Karen Blackstone series...
A journalist specializing in cold cases

A multi-awarded international series

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8 more minutes of sunshine
An initiatory and redemptive journey, between a father and his son, facing the inexorable

The revelation !

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The art of writing comes from the depths of our soul and is manifested through the pen


Nino S. Theveny

A limitless passion for reading and writing

Nino S. Theveny is one of France’s leading indie authors. He’s married and has two children. In 2019 he was laid off from a multinational company and decided to make the most of his newly found liberty, turning to writing, his passion, which is now his day job.


With 15 books published to date, Nino S. Theveny has over 200,000 readers. Translated into English, Spanish, Italian, and German, his thrillers are appreciated throughout the entire world.


With his fourteen-year-old son, he has also co-authored a thriller for young adults which will was published in March, 2024.

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8 more minutes of sunshine Sébastien Theveny

Un drame émouvant empreint d'un message d'espoir

Dans ce nouveau roman, j'ai souhaité sortir de ma "zone de confort", de mes habitudes prises avec le polar, le thriller. Revenir à ce que j'avais pu déjà aborder dans Trouble Je, à savoir une histoire simple, faite d'amour, de peines et de joies.

Ici, l'amour d'une famille autour d'un enfant malade.

L'amour d'un père envers son fils, et réciproquement.

Comment vivre avec une épée de Damoclès au-dessus de la tête d'un enfant ?

Comment réaliser ses rêves, malgré tout, malgré cette pu**** de mucoviscidose.

Je vous embarque dans 8 minutes de soleil en plus, dans un road-trip tendre et puissant.

En selle !